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Transportation Freight Shipping Service Partner

Our Services

Truckload Freight Services

Expedited Freight Services


You can expect Battle Transport to provide:


  • A variety of trucks for general commodity cargo and deliveries from vendors to site locations.

  • Qualified drivers trained in policies, certifications and specific customer needs.

  • Hazardous Material and Waste Transportation certifications.

  • Increased efficiency with flexible rating and ability to track shipments in real time.

Join the Battle Transport Team

Battle Transport Career Opportunities

The trucking industry is one of the most in-demand in America, there has never been a better time for Trucking Professionals to find their ideal role.


Battle Transport supports their team with the help of our connections, partnerships, and networks of industry professionals. 


We’re always looking to expand our staff and empower young & seasoned specialists alike. Fill out the form below, and we’ll get back to you shortly to discuss your application.

What Our Satisfied Clients Have to Say

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"Dependable and reliable services. Excellent communication and overall support."

W. Sanders

Cerp Foods

"Battle Transports supports with our various vehicle logistic needs. They have a team of high quality team members that support our transportation needs from start to finish."

Joe Deliria

Deliria Customs Paint & Body

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Your Long-Haul and Short Haul Services Partner

Contact Us

Call:  (682) 392-2199



1808 S. Good Latimer Expy

Dallas, Texas 75226

Hours of Operations:

Mon- Fri:  8am- 6pm Saturday: 8am-5pm

For quotes or any inquiry, contact us

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